For the MyMicrobiome Vulvo-Vaginal Textile Standard 45.10, the following bacterial species were defined whose presence must not be impaired by a product:
The test procedure for Standard 45.10 Vulvo-Vaginal
The textile product undergoes four test phases as part of the "Microbiome-friendly" certification.
The quality test ensures that the textile products are sterile, and our microbiological tests can be carried out with the skin microorganisms. Therefore, textiles are washed according to the manufacturers' instructions beforehand. A screening examines the occurrence of mesophilic and aerobic microorganisms. For decontamination, the products are UV-irradiated or autoclaved. Hygiene products are sterilized through UV light exposure.
The balance between the most common vaginal bacterium L. crispatus and the harmful bacterium G. vaginalis should not be disturbed by the textile product. A co-culture with both bacterial strains is mixed with the textile for a certain time and then the ratio of the two microbes is compared with the untreated control group. This must not change in favor of G. vaginalis under the influence of the textile product.
The textile product to be tested is added to a culture of specific microbes typical for the vulvo-vaginal area. After a certain incubation period, the change in diversity among the different microorganisms is compared with the untreated control group. The diversity of the microbiome in terms of the most important key microbes must be maintained.
A microbiome-friendly textile product for the vulvo-vaginal area should not undesirably influence the vitality of the individual microbes. This test simulates direct skin contact of the microbes - considered individually. The growth of the microorganisms is compared with an untreated control group and must neither be significantly reduced nor stimulated.
"The standard 45.10 dedicated to the vulvo-vaginal microbiome ensures that the microbial balance of the female intimate area is not altered. This prevents infectious diseases and other imbalances that can be caused by the products used."
Sarah de Visser, Textil Specialist
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