Individual microbiological testing
We draw on a wide range of methods, enabling us to meet almost any scientific challenge. Our spectrum of research work includes, among others:

Individual Growth Analysis
We offer customized experiments with microorganisms of the skin in co-culture or individually. The tests can be performed in liquid medium over a longer period of time or in direct contact on agar plates.

In vitro intestine studies
We are able to work with strictly anaerobic bacteria to test drugs and nutritional supplements for their influence on germs of the gut microbiome.

3D Skin model
By using 3D skin models, we can realistically investigate the interaction of cosmetic products and specific microorganisms of the skin microbiome. Thereby we can respond to individual customer requirements.

In vivo studies
We offer individual metagenomic analysis on human sample material such as the investigation of the microbiome of healthy and diseased skin on a patient.
In addition to the evaluated raw data, you will receive a detailed R&D report in scientific form upon request. We are proud to have worked on several national and international research projects.