Product claims you are allowed to make after certification

- The product is Microbiome-friendly.
- The product leaves the skin microbiome intact.
- The product respects the balance of the skin microbiome.
- The product respects the natural, healthy microbiome of the skin, both on the surface and in the deeper layers of the skin.
- The product is gentle on the skin microbiome.
- The product preserves the balance and diversity of the skin microbiome.
A healthy skin microbiome is key for an intact skin barrier.
"It is important for brands to understand the need for scientific evidence, specific to their product, to support a ‘microbiome-friendly’ claim. Microbiome-related claims are considered by some authorities as novel claims and therefore require a high level of data substantiation.
MyMicrobiome ‘microbiome friendly’ certification therefore provides companies with robust and scientific data to build their substantiation claim files. MyMicrobiome also provides information on their standards and initiatives transparently to the public on"
Bloom Regulatory, November 2022
Your product will be granted our "Microbiome - friendly" certificate
Here you will find the two versions of our trademarked certificates.
Showcase the official certification seal on your packaging and promotional materials to visually communicate the adherence to high standards.
Microbiome-friendly seal Mini
The " Microbiome - friendly " Mini seal in a compact, miniature format. As with all our branded seals, this is a high-quality guarantee mark. The design is scaled down though remains clear, and can also be produced in different color variations. The URL will direct you to our microbiome information platform for consumers. Here, visitors have access to all of the published test results of our certified Microbiome-friendly products.
Microbiome-friendly seal Regular
The " Microbiome - friendly " Regular certificate is our originally registered seal of approval. The inventive design clearly distinguishes itself from other labels. An optional grayscale variant is also available. The URL will take you to our microbiome information platform for consumers. Here, visitors have access to all published test results of our certified products.
Our "Microbiome - friendly" certificates
Here you will find the two versions of our trademarked certificate.
All quality seals have been protected as guarantee marks resp. certification marks and ensure the same Microbiome-friendly quality standard.
Microbiome-friendly Mini
The " Microbiome - friendly " Mini seal in a compact, miniature format. As with all our branded seals, this is a high-quality guarantee mark. The design is scaled down though remains clear, and can also be produced in different color variations. will direct you to our microbiome information platform for consumers. Here, visitors have access to all published test results of our Microbiome-friendly certified products.
Microbiome-friendly Regular
The " Microbiome - friendly " Regular certificate is our originally registered seal of approval. The inventive design clearly tells itself from other labels. An optional grayscale variant is also available. will take you to our microbiome information platform for consumers. Here, visitors have access to all published test results of our Microbiome-friendly certified products.